Boris I. Kudrin
Different types of considering the existence (classic, post-classic, post-non-classic) suppose a certain answer for the question: what is the surrounding reality? This reality has a material part generated by the industrialization. This part is a technical reality only. Technically generated elements can be found in every animal or plant. Technical sphere has not become a noosphere but it has absorbed the biosphere. The technical reality has penetrated the planet kilometers deep where living things have no access, and the upper limits are much higher. The universality of the technical reality allows me to take a next step after Anaximandrus who has picked living things out of entire nature. There is a technical reality developing objectively so that the laws of technical evolution do not require inventing by the human but require the existence of a science that will study this reality. The science of technical reality which I have named "Technetics" researches communities of products – technical coenoses (workshops and factories, apartments and cities) and exceeds the sphere of cybernetics. This is the way I try to "find out the very beginning of the reality as it is" (according to Aristotle). Besides, I agree with Heidegger that first of all we should approximately understand what the reality is.
Technetics includes five components: created and used technology, developed and used technique, obtained and used materials, produced and consumed production, appearing wastes. Technetics is an ontological foundation of the technical reality. This foundation is based on a document. This is the only thing that provides human industrial and cultural activity, the opportunity of social life and existence of informational reality. However, the mechanism of structural stability of any technical coenosis is not clear with growth of species variety, permanent extinction of various species or death of any individual (piece) caused by physical or moral wear. Technique is the documental knowledge of how and out of what something can be made. This is the soul of technical reality; this is knowledge subject to getting old but being fixed forever. Material is something that appears for a short time with a purpose to be converted into another material or an end product. All the operations with a material lead to ecological consequences.
Technology is divided by me into the following items: dead technics (bolt, axe, stand) which does not counteract with the laws of thermodynamics; live technics (trans-genetic products, sheep Dolly); technetical technics (automobile, house) requiring energy (fuel), infrastructure, information and social facilities. The evolution of any technical object is determined by the informational selection law which differs from Darwin's ideas by separation of a document. The vector of technical evolution has a single direction. It is irreversible. The genotype began to live a separate life determined by a documental selection. The phenotype is not subject to evolution during all its life but it gets old and dies. The law determines species and parametrical variety of coenosis' structure, as well as ratios "rare-common", "large-small".
I see that the world was indivisible in the moment of Universe's birth. It has generated 10 elementary particles. One hundred (102) chemical elements have appeared out of them. These elements have given birth to 104 minerals. Nature did not stop at this point and created 108 species of living things, afterwards – the leap of the evolution resulted in existence of 1016 technical objects. Then 1032 files of information were created by Nature which became enmeshed in what it has done; these files describe 1064 fixed units of social objects. The last number is close to the number of elementary particles in the Universe assumed 1079 according to J. Littlewood. Thus, is the achievement of equal numbers for reality and ideal sphere the end result of the civilization and its death simultaneously?